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Setting up a MySQL Database using cPanel:
The following tutorial is designed to show you how to set up a MySQL database for DLGuard using cPanel.

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The goal of this tutorial:
Set up the MySQL database that is required by DLGuard.


Project overview:
When running DLGuard's installation or upgrade from a non-MySQL version of DLGuard, you will be required to create a MySQL database for DLGuard to store all your data in.

This tutorial is designed for people who's website uses "cPanel" as it's control panel.

During this tutorial you will login to cPanel, create the database and find out the details we need to give DLGuard.


Step 1: Login to cPanel

Firstly you will need to login to cPanel. Generally you will be able to get to cPanel by entering the URL into your browser: www.example.com/cpanel

(where www.example.com is your website's domain name)

If you're not sure how to login, please contact your webhost and they will be able to tell you how to login to your control panel.


Step 2: Click the MySQL Databases link

In cPanel you will see a bunch of icons on the screen. You will to click the link labelled "MySQL Databases" as shown in the image below.



Step 3: Create a new database

After clicking the "MySQL Databases" link you will see the following page:


On this page we will first add a New Database. In the New Database box (as shown below), enter your database name. You can call it anything, but we recommend calling it "dlguard".

Click the "Create Database" button and you will be taken to the following page:


Click the "Go Back" link to return to our database setup page.


Step 4: Create a new Database User

Next we need to create a database user. In the New User box (as shown below), choose a username and password. This will be used to access your database.

You can choose anything. For this tutorial we will use the username "dlg_admin" and the password "password". This is an example only, make sure you choose a password that is hard to guess.

Click the "Create User" button and you will be taken to the following page:


Click the "Go Back" link to return to our database setup page.


Step 5: Add your User to your Database

We've now created a database and a username and password combination. Next we have to "add the user to the database".

What this means is that we're going to tell MySQL that the username and password combination we just created will be used to access the database we just created.

If it sounds confusing, don't worry, it's simple enough to do!

Under the "Add Users To Your Databases" heading you will see the following boxes:

In the dropdown box marked "User", select the username you just created. In our example it was dlg_admin. In most cases you will also see your website's login ID before the username you just created. In this case it is "test". Don't worry about it, it's meant to be like this!

Next, select the database name you just created from the dropdown box labelled "Database". In our example we called it "dlguard".

Make sure the "Privaleges" box "ALL" is ticked, and then click the "Add User To Database" button.

You will be taken to the following screen:


Click the "Go Back" link to return to our database setup page.


Step 6: All done!

Congratulations, you've now set up your MySQL database.

DLGuard will need to know four things: Your username, your password, your database name, and the host name.

The host name is generally set to "localhost". Please see the following image. It shows you where your database name, username, and hostname are displayed.



Take note of the details as displayed above as you will need to enter them exactly into DLGuard when asked.


A few last thoughts:

Keep in mind that your database name and your username may have your website's login ID added to the front of it: eg. loginID_databasename.

As the example above shows, even though I called my database "dlguard", the name that MySQL uses to identify it is "test_dlguard".

Make sure you use the details that MySQL shows you (see image in Step 6 for example).

-- Sam Stephens



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